Love Addiction

Self-assessment test for Love Addiction

This test has been designed to help you identify whether you may have a problem with love addiction. Answer the questions below as honestly as you can and then click on the ‘See Results’ button. This test can also be used by friends or family who are concerned that a loved one may be suffering from an emotional disorder. When answering, you should focus on your behaviour during the past 12 months.

1. Do you find yourself unable to stop seeing a specific person even though you know that seeing that person is destructive to you?


2. Do you get "high" from romantic involvements? Does your mood drop when you are not in a relationship?


3. Do you make promises to yourself or rules regarding your romantic behaviour that you find you cannot follow?


4. Have you ever felt that you need someone else to ‘fix’ you?


5. Do you feel desperation or uneasiness when you are away from your lover?


6. Do you feel that you need to be in a relationship and cannot stand being on your own?


7. Have you ever found yourself in a relationship that you felt you couldn’t leave?


8. Have you ever found yourself in a relationship that you felt you couldn’t live without?


9. Do you feel that your value and self-worth is defined by your romantic relationships?


10. Do you ever feel that you are having relationships in an attempt to deal with or escape from other problems in your life?


11. Do you tend to experience very intense but short-lived relationships?


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